Welcome to the 55+ Entrepreneurs

A special message

Congratulations to 55 + Entrepreneurs! Older adults in Alexandria have so much to offer our community, and this exciting new venture will help them develop successful businesses that will transform their lives and make Alexandria a better place for all ages!

Mary Lee Anderson, Director, Alexandria Senior Services, City of Alexandria, VA

Our Story

Hear from our co-founders why we exist, and why we're so excited for you to join us!

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission 

The 55+ Entrepreneurs’ is a nonprofit organization with a mission is to educate, empower and encourage people aged 55 and over to launch or grow their own business or organization through capacity building workshops, seminars and training sessions, networking and coaching.


Our Vision

We strive to promote entrepreneurs aged 55 and over from across Alexandria communities, without regard to race, religion, orientation, ability, or other social and cultural aspects of our local population.


Diversity Statement

We strive to promote entrepreneurs aged 55 and over from across Alexandria communities, without regard to race, religion, orientation, ability, or other social and cultural aspects of our local population.